
Melody of Colours de Grisogono

Melody of Colours de Grisogono

Boundless creativity

April 8th, 2018
Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet  Bracelet in 18K pink gold set with 997 brown diamonds (10.93 Ct),19 moonstones (308.25 Ct) and 6 navette-cut amethysts (6.00 Ct)
Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet
Bracelet in 18K pink gold set with 997 brown diamonds (10.93 Ct),
19 moonstones (308.25 Ct) and 6 navette-cut amethysts (6.00 Ct)
Joyful, free-spirited creations that appear to have transcended any boundaries imposed by colours and cuts, as if the beautifully enhanced matter were transformed into a sculpture, carved out by the uniquely creative and sensitive touch of Fawaz Gruosi. Luminous jewellery, vibrant colours, stones set like delicious sweet treats: a collection that puts a smile on any face and displays its positive attitude. Because life is a melody composed from the finest colours of Nature.

Melody of Colours de Grisogono earrings
Earrings in 18K white gold set with 2 cushion-cut amethyst (24.10 Ct), 450 white diamonds (2.50 Ct),
282 blue sapphires (6.86 Ct), 55 amethysts (1.10 Ct) and 1 black diamond (0.37 Ct)

Infinite nature

Born from Fawaz Gruosi’s imagination nourished by his rich cultural roots, it encapsulates exceptional sensibility capable of capturing the extraordinary facets of a world composed of endless nuances and an infinite colour palette. Melody of Colours stands for creations exploring and honouring the wealth of shades made by nature itself.

Melody of Colours de Grisogono earringsEarrings in 18K white gold set with 12 turquoise stones (118.50 Ct), 487 tsavorites (7.63 Ct) and 50 white diamonds (0.13 Ct).Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet  Bracelet in 18K white gold set with 1 mint-green tourmaline (20.37 Ct), 562 Paraiba topaze stones (40.15 Ct) and 1001 tsavorites (33.22 Ct).
Melody of Colours de Grisogono earrings
Earrings in 18K white gold set with 12 turquoise stones (118.50 Ct), 487 tsavorites (7.63 Ct) and 50 white diamonds (0.13 Ct).
Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet
Bracelet in 18K white gold set with 1 mint-green tourmaline (20.37 Ct),
562 Paraiba topaze stones (40.15 Ct) and 1001 tsavorites (33.22 Ct).
They are an ode to love, beauty and to the splendour of the seasons, summoning the preciousness of nature and the emotions.
Fawaz Gruosi brings his new jewellery creations to life in the language he knows best: the self- evident language of radiant gemstones, a language that is not taught, but felt. Nature does not reveal her treasures to everyone, but Fawaz Gruosi has been blessed with a flair for creation. Applying the same philosophy of creativity that guides all his work, Fawaz Gruosi places beautiful stones and colour at the core of the Melody of Colours’ Fine Jewellery Creations.

Melody of Colours de Grisogono earringsEarrings in 18K pink gold set with 2 corals (85.50 Ct), 280 orange sapphires (15.89 Ct), 88 cabochon citrines (54.50 Ct) and 196 white diamonds (0.85 Ct).
Melody of Colours de Grisogono earrings
Earrings in 18K pink gold set with 2 corals (85.50 Ct), 280 orange sapphires (15.89 Ct),
88 cabochon citrines (54.50 Ct) and 196 white diamonds (0.85 Ct).

Finely crafted, transcended material

Unique creations featuring an infinite wealth of details testifying to the extreme jewellery mastery of the Maison de Grisogono. Material springs to life as the jewellery is painstakingly sculpted. The finely openworked gold is delicately engraved with the iconic de GRISOGONO volutes – an aesthetic signature that not only endows stones with peerless radiance, but also ensures an incomparably light and comfortable feel.

Melody of Colours de Grisogono ringRing in 18K pink gold set with 7 pink opals (33.40 Ct), 108 pink sapphires (3.30 Ct) and 18 tsavorites (0.45 Ct).Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet Bracelet in 18K pink gold set with 26 pink opals (117.25 Ct), 99 tsavorites (6.10 Ct) and 738 pink sapphires (17.70 Ct).
Melody of Colours de Grisogono ring
Ring in 18K pink gold set with 7 pink opals (33.40 Ct), 108 pink sapphires (3.30 Ct) and 18 tsavorites (0.45 Ct).
Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet
Bracelet in 18K pink gold set with 26 pink opals (117.25 Ct), 99 tsavorites (6.10 Ct) and 738 pink sapphires (17.70 Ct).
The Geneva jeweller has become accustomed to blackening gold with rhodium to form a distinctive backdrop for the most surprising stones.
Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet  Bracelet in 18K white gold set with 1 mint-green tourmaline (20.37 Ct),562 Paraiba topaze stones (40.15 Ct) and 1001 tsavorites (33.22 Ct).
Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet
Bracelet in 18K white gold set with 1 mint-green tourmaline (20.37 Ct),
562 Paraiba topaze stones (40.15 Ct) and 1001 tsavorites (33.22 Ct).
For these creations suffused with beauty, born perfectionist Fawaz Gruosi loves to delve into each supremely intricate detail. Each of his new ideas inspires artists to push existing limits, since the creativity of the Maison is also conveyed through the manner in which it reinvents gemsetting techniques and ancestral jewellery methods. Finding new ways of setting briolettes, enabling stones to express their full potential, ‘stitching’ gems together with an invisible thread while entirely concealing the underlying material. Techniques so impeccably mastered that cuts, stones and colours combine to form a unique composition, as if created by Nature itself. Quite simply a melody of colours and materials.
Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet  Bracelet in 18K pink gold set with 997 brown diamonds (10.93 Ct),19 moonstones (308.25 Ct) and 6 navette-cut amethysts (6.00 Ct).
Melody of Colours de Grisogono bracelet
Bracelet in 18K pink gold set with 997 brown diamonds (10.93 Ct),
19 moonstones (308.25 Ct) and 6 navette-cut amethysts (6.00 Ct).

Coloured stone palette

The distinctive signatures of the Melody of Colours creations include an original blend of sizes, cuts, colours and types of stone, stunning carat weights, as well the natural intermingling of fine stones and exemplary gems with no concern for hierarchy. From the sparkle of paving to the dancing movement of briolettes and from cabochons to centre stones, Melody of Colours offers daring, vibrant combinations including magnificent cocktail rings, stunning necklaces, opulent earrings and delectable bracelets.
Year after year, Fawaz Gruosi’s creative generosity springs a wealth of surprises. The de GRISOGONO colour palette adorns women with irresistible sensuality. Whether in pastels or tangy shades, stones glide by in blush pink, ultra violet, dusky peach, turquoise blue, lush green and Mediterranean blue.
Melody of Colours de Grisogono earringsEarrings in 18K white gold set with 2 cushion-cut amethyst (24.10 Ct), 450 white diamonds (2.50 Ct),282 blue sapphires (6.86 Ct), 55 amethysts (1.10 Ct) and 1 black diamond (0.37 Ct)
Melody of Colours de Grisogono earrings
Earrings in 18K white gold set with 2 cushion-cut amethyst (24.10 Ct), 450 white diamonds (2.50 Ct),
282 blue sapphires (6.86 Ct), 55 amethysts (1.10 Ct) and 1 black diamond (0.37 Ct)
A longing for light and colours is expressed through brown diamonds set next to rubies and citrines; opal married with emeralds and sapphires; coral enhanced by sapphires; while turquoise and tsavorites fuse their hypnotising shades of sky and sea. No one else has ever been as daring as de GRISOGONO. And no one will be as daring as you!
